ABOUT HV Silverworks
The mission of Hudson Valley Silverworks (founded by silversmith Raychel Wengenroth www.raychelwengenroth.com) is to provide an environment cultivating a passionate community of jewelers and silversmiths who share their knowledge and ideas of the creative process through a conveniently located, well equipped studio for instructors and students to gather.
HVS offers weekly classes, 1 & 2 day weekend workshops, private instruction, group retreats and open studio bench-time.
The wide range of topics easily accommodates a variety of skill levels and scheduling options.
Guest instructors come on board regularly to provide a metalsmithing program rich with vitality, energy and creativity.
Hands-on educational interaction is a window to humanity, culture and community.
Come join the fun as we continue to grow this collaborative community in the heart of Kingston's Midtown Art District.

Our location, The Shirt Factory at 77 Cornell Street, was originally built in 1917, conveniently located near the Broadway corridor of Kingston's Midtown District, a vibrant community of artists and creative businesses.
Current and past tenants include dancers, musicians, sculptors,
filmmakers, fashion designers, makers of musical instruments,
photographers, as well as small businesses. Onsite parking, handicap accessible & air conditioned. HV Silverworks is in Studios #211 & #207.